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Welcome to the NeuroFog Laboratory

The Cognitive Neuroscience of Remembering and Forgetting (NeuroFog) Laboratory, led by Dr. Jonathan Fawcett, conducts a wide variety of research using basic and applied techniques to understand how we control unwanted memories and to further our understanding of related disorders (e.g., OCD). For example, how is it that some people can be reminded of an unwanted experience and brush it off whereas others receive a similar reminder and find themselves caught ruminating over it for days? Our work suggests that individuals vary in their ability to exert control over unwanted thoughts and that this variation plays a role in the development of conditions characterized by unwanted thoughts. The team studies this phenomenon in both general and clinical populations. We also conduct epidemiological meta-analyses to identify at risk populations.

Beyond our work on memory control, we are also interested in how distinctive encoding episodes influence memory. This work takes two forms, either understanding how effective study strategies (such as reading important information aloud) contribute to strong memories, or how bizarre or unexpected events (e.g., being robbed by a clown) act to disrupt memories, especially with respect to those witnessing crimes. For more information on our research, please click the Research button above.

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